Monday, March 30, 2009

What? No Radiohead?


Last year, this was every New Yorkers chance to see Radiohead LIVE and in full effect. Where are those blokes this time around? Sunday looks like the best day to attend... though how does Gogol Bordello headline? Has anyone else heard of them and isn't Gogol from that movie The Namesake with the dude from Harold & Kumar?? MGMT fans... prepare to get your Coldplay on for better or for worse.

And the headliners are...

Friday, July 31st
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  • Beastie Boys
  • Vampire Weekend
Saturday, August 1st
Sunday, August 2nd
Check out the full lineup here.

1 comment:

  1. Who the f**k does Ian Young think he is? This guy starts a blog and thinks he's the king of the internet! He's like "Hi, I'm ian young, internet King, bow down before me!" "I started a blog, now i'm going to be a billionare and not talk to any of my friends."

    This guy needs to start a blog at the Jerkstore and sell Jerks, because he's overstocked. with Jerk.

    And Fyi - there isn't even a king of the internet. it's a total democracy. Jerk.

    -Your friend Bobby Souers
