Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jonze'ing For This Flick

Giving Spike Jonze the creative freedom to bring a children's book masterpiece to the big screen sounds like a great decision to me. Jonze, the director behind Adaptation and Being John Malkovich, will have a new film in theaters October 16th with the release of Where the Wild Things Are. Based on the famous children's book of the same title, Jonze will definitely bring a unique visual look and strong music background(Remember this video?) to this highly anticipated film.

From the looks of the trailer, which features music from The Arcade Fire, we might have a winner here. Not sold? Perhaps you prefer Jack Johnson and the Curious George movie. Or perhaps you prefer CGI over big creepy muppets. Check out the trailer to see for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. the trailer sold us-the princeton youngs are looking forwad to the movie-good call
